• A father and his kid holding hands

    The Salvation Army

    Supervised Access Centre.

The Salvation Army
Supervised Access Centre.
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Neutral & Safe.

The Salvation Army Supervised Access Centre provides a neutral, safe and child-focused setting where visits and exchanges can take place under the supervision of trained staff and volunteers.


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The Salvation Army Supervised Access Centre is committed to providing persons with disabilities with equal opportunities and standards of goods and services in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.


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The Salvation Army Supervised Access program is funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) and is delivered in partnership with The Salvation Army of Frontenac and Lennox and Addington counties.

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When parents separate or divorce, visits with their children may become difficult. The Salvation Army Supervised Access Centre strives to provide a neutral, safe and child-focused setting where visits and exchanges can take place under the supervision of trained staff and volunteers. We remain committed to those children and parents caught in conflict and needing a safe place to maintain or build relationships between the children and the non-residential parent. The program is funded by the Ministry of Attorney General and is delivered in partnership with The Salvation Army Kingston Citadel to the counties of Frontenac and Lennox and Addington.



Due to inclement weather the decision may be made to close The Salvation Army Supervised Access Centre. A decision to close the Centre is not taken lightly but is made when participant and staff safety is at potential risk.

Decisions sometimes happen quickly and are made with the best information we have at the time. The Centre's guiding principle in making these decisions is always the safety of participants, staff and volunteers at each of our centres.

Recent Weather Alerts:

No weather statements at this time.

A woman holding her child and smiling
A father spending time with his daughter playing lego
a woman carrying her baby and smiling
a father carring his son on his shoulders with masks on

Frontenac County *
Kingston Citadel

Meet us.
816 Centennial Drive
Kingston, Ontario K7M 0A4

Phone: 1-613-542-8533
Fax: 613-542-4094

Write us.

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Community & Family Services

Meet us.
342 Patrick Street
Kingston, Ontario K7K 6R6

Phone: 1-613-542-8533
Fax: 613-542-4094

Write us.

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Lennox & Addington County

Meet us.
15 Dairy Avenue
Napanee, Ontario K7R 3M3

Phone: 1-613-354-8287
Fax: 613-542-4094

Write us.

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